Thursday, January 20, 2011

WINTER - Part One

Winter is upon us here in Boston, and it is anything but a wonderland.  We have already been hit by two blizzards this winter, and there are more on their way.  It is definitely an adjustment for this California girl!  This week has been particularly brutal...first, the Patriots lost in a BAD way.  Then, we were hit by a storm.  That tapered off, but another one will hit tomorrow.  Honestly, I think that wind/snow/rain in 30+ degree conditions are WAY worse than single-digit days with no storm-like weather.  Wind and rain are truly my least favorite elements.  I really don't have much to say except that WINTER STINKS!!!

I thought you might enjoy some pictures.  The two photos at the bottom were taken from  Readers submitted photos of parking spot savers, and these were two of my favorites!!  Would YOU steal a parking spot that is being saved by the Nativity or the King?  LOL.

For those who are interested, you can find the full gallery at

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Giving Thanks

Since it is Thanksgiving, I want to take a moment to reflect on all that I am thankful for.  I am blessed...not just today, but EVERY day. 

I am thankful for my job!!  Being out of work made me realize how much unemployment stinks!!!  I know that I was fortuanate to find a job relatively quickly.  For this, I am grateful. 

I am thankful for the men and women who put their lives on the line every day to defend the country and the peace - the military, the police, firefighters, those who work in intelligence, and the ones we don't know about. 

I am thankful for friends and family, new and old. I have been blessed with a loving, healthy family (immediate and extended). They are there through thick and thin and I am so grateful to have them in my life.  You guys are the best and you mean the world to me.

I am blessed!!!  On that note, I hope that everybody has a very Happy and SAFE Thanksgiving!!

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


San Francisco Giants are the 2010 WORLD SERIES CHAMPS.  Awesome.

Sunday, October 31, 2010


Greetings everyone!  I know I have been terrible about posting on here, but life has been busy these days.  Oh, and I haven't really had much to say.  I am still trying to get in the habit of putting my thoughts on screen.  I was recently blessed with a visit by my parents, followed from a visit by an old friend.  I can't stress enough how happy these visits made me.  I have been a bit homesick these days.  Don't get me wrong...Boston is a wonderful place to be.  But no matter how much fun I have or how many cool people I meet, there is just no replacement for family and old friends!!

I am posting some pictures for you to enjoy.  Me and the parents drove out to western Massachusetts and had a nice visit with Chris and Andrew.  We did a lovely little hike up in Holyoke, and the view was gorgeous.  The foliage is beautiful during this time of year.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

The best of Boston

I thought I would share some of my favorite places in Boston.  The pictures don't do these places justice!  I am still learning how to make everything on my blog look neat and tidy, so bear with me!

Boston Common/Public Garden

Where residents, tourists, ducks and vendors co-exist! The Boston Common is a beautiful park in the middle of Boston, and the Public Garden) is adjacent to the Common (and possibly more beautiful). I will let the pictures speak for themselves. Fun fact: In 1979, Pope John Paul II officiated his first mass on American soil on the Boston Common (in pouring rain)!

Charles River

The river might be one of my FAVORITE things about living in Boston. I am blessed to live in such close proximity to the Charles River (only another high rise and street stand between us). Maybe I just got too used to seeing a cemented river on my daily train rides, but this river is gorgeous! The Charles more or less divides Boston and Cambridge. On the Boston side, there is a long green area referred to as The Esplanade. There are jogging paths, benches, bridges, and even a stage for performances. I love to just walk along the Esplanade and watch people. It is especially beautiful at sunset. From the Boston side, you get a nice view of Cambridge. From the Cambridge side, you have a wonderful view of the Boston skyline.

Beacon Hill

I would love to live in Beacon Hill, but I haven’t amassed enough of a fortune…yet!  I love the tree-lined streets and the brick sidewalks.  I am pretty sure John Kerry has a home in Beacon Hill.

Saturday, July 31, 2010

Greetings from Boston!!

After many months of wanting to start a blog, I have finally taken the plunge.  I hope to use this as a platform to share my observations on New England life (from an outsider's point of view), as well as to share my experiences with the local dating scene.  Some posts might be totally random.  Mostly, I think this is a great way to stay connected with friends and family regarding my new life! 

As far as relocating to Boston...well right now I still feel like I am in vacation mode.  I don't have a real job (just a low-paying temp position) and since I have only been here for three months, everything is very new to me.  I find new things to love about Boston on a daily basis.  This city certainly keeps me amused.  Where else can I walk to the park, only to run into a Patriot giving a tour?  And where else can I look out my office window and see an old ship firing some sort of musket in the air?  There is always something to do in this town!!  That's all I have for now...stay tuned. :)